I'm just going to say it, backflips aren't hard. That part that is hard, is committing to it. I landed my first backie this season, and every run before it I told my friends I was going to do it, but I didn't feel confident so I didn't try. I finally manned up and told myself to stomp it and I did. They are
so easy once you land your first one, but you just need to huck it on a small/medium poppy kicker. Don't underrotate, if you do? it's going to hurt. Over rotating is the way to go. Back slap and ride away. Stomp it your next run. Keep your legs about shoulder width apart, knees bent, pressure on your shins, when you are on the edge of the kicker pop and throw your arms up and tilt your head back. Here was mine, hopefully, it will help. Jake Muller and a few others have good tutorials out there also. If you don't tell yourself you are going to stomp it or you don't mean it, don't do it. This trick requires commitment. You got this bro, just commit and you got it. Let's see a video after it's done.