Replying to Want free dental care? (Los Angeles)
Live in the Los Angeles area? Haven't been to the dentist in a while? Got excited when that retarded paper came out telling folks they don't need to floss?
Then holy shit, have I got the offer for you
I'm a 4th year dental student at UCLA. We have a licensing examination coming up in about a month. this is the exam that takes me from 'student doctor to D.D.S'
I need 2 types of patients- a patient that hasn't had a cleaning in several years ( think someone who has bleeding gums when they brush or floss) and a patient that has been told they need fillings but hasn't had them done yet.
I will pay CASH MONEY for anyone who qualifies in either of the two aforementioned categories. think 'new pair of skis', or 'sick new jacket' cash money.
The process for qualifying as a patient is kind of a pain in the ass, I want to warn you. You need to come to UCLA School of Dentistry for a screening, which involves both a periodontal exam (plaque, bone, and gum levels) and x-rays ( to check for cavities). You don't pay a dime for this exam, which would normally run you about 100-150 bucks (with x-rays), but you have to show up. if you qualify, GREAT- I'll reimburse you for your time and arrange a date that works for you to take the examination. ALL TREATMENT FOR THE EXAMINATION IS FREE. RE-READ THAT- this means possibly up to $1000.00 of dental care (deep cleanings, fillings, etc) will be taken care of if you just show up. If you do qualify, and are accepted as a patient, I need you to be able to show up on any dates between March 30th and April 2nd for the exam.
Screening means that I'm looking for patients who qualify for the exam, if you don't qualify, GREAT- you have excellent dental and periodontal health. I'll give you a fuck ton of ARMADA/ DAKINE stickers/die-cuts, possibly a star bucks gift card and send you on your way. If you qualify, I'm doing you a huge favor, and myself a HUGER favor by taking you on as a patient.
shoot me a message here if interested. PM's will get the appropriate contact details for scheduling a screening.
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