ErikaaaCurious how it is at other mountains..
Currently it seems like the park crew here wants nothing to do with anyone but themselves. Been up the lift with them a few times and they are less than friendly and dont care at all to hold out a convo with anyone from "the general public"
Does the title of park crew automatically mean youre better than everyone else?
REALLY depends on the park crew. Even the specific members of that park crew.
When I was a park staff, I was always extremely excited to chat with people using the park. Helped me get a sense of what the people thought of our park, and gave me ideas for what to tweak to make things better for the people that used it.
However there were guys on the same crew that were total dicks that thought they were better than everyone, and only their homies were the ones with valid opinions.
Loads of great people, and loads of shitty people attracted to that job.