theabortionatorSo this guy I've been hooking up with for the last couple weeks. He was all about being friends with benefits. I'm totally cool with that, it's perfect for the moment. Anyway he was texting me a bunch and then last night was really all about it. Was telling me all this stuff, showing me stupid instagram pictures. Said something about something if I lived with him. Looking up our signs and horoscopes or whatever and this and that.
Idk. He's cool enough, it's convenient, but I'm not into him like that. Any advice on keeping things mellow? Or should I just run away?
What do you do in these situations? We live in the same building too.
I've never dated someone I lived in the same building with so I don't know how well this will go over, personal discretion is obviously advised haha. I would just tell him something along the lines of "hey, I know we've been hooking up for a while and we said we'd be friends with benefits. I'm not into you in the sense that I'd want a more serious relationship and I'd really like to keep things on the mellow side."
I'd kinda try to tactfully let him know that friends with benefits is what you can do at the moment and I'd make sure you make it clear before it goes any further. Then you can let him make the choice on whether he wants to continue that situation or not. It kinda sucks when we've drawn our lines with someone and they start to overstep them. You don't wanna be a dick but you also don't want to take care of a relationship that you didn't want in the first place.
I hope it's not too awkward still being in the same building! Is he on the same floor or something?