I have a piar of seth pistols that have been mounted three times and basically have no more integirty in the core. I don not however want to give them up because i only got to ski them 4 times due to a person on this site who totally screwed me over. I had an idea to plug up all of the existing holes and mount a 2mm flexible steel palte to the ski using epoxy and 4 screws as a low profile mounting plate. I was wondering if this idea would work. I talked to a couple people who work in shops and they say that it is worth a shot. I jsut wanted a few more opinions.
Here is a diagram of what I want to do.

Under my name It sais beginner.
I am very discouraged to the fact that the site adminster didn't look at my profile or ask before doing something like this. I may be new to this website but I have been skiing more then most of you.
PLEASE research or ask before making such assumptions like this one.