milk_manIs it 0.26 kw for a 150 lb person then?
given a 100% efficient system with no air resistance moving at 3 m/s up a 20 degree incline, then I think that's correct.
You could assume that if the lift is already running and you don't care to figure out how much energy it's using running empty then adding 1 person of 60 kg would amount to roughly 0.26 kw extra load on the motor.
keep in mind that's a small person (130 lb). but if you average out with children that might be correct.
So then the fun stuff is how much more money it costs to run a full lift vs empty lift.
So if it's a quad with 100 chairs (so 50 chairs full) then that would add 52 kw. the average price in the US is 12 cents per kwh, so running the chairlift full would cost $6.24 an hour more than empty.
and just for fun. If this chairlift over the season averages 50% capacity and runs 8 hours a day for 4 months, that's $3000 in electricity for the extra weight of riders.