Probably the most common booze on the mountain, if you missed it they now make boxes of fireball similar to franzia. Each box has two 1.75L bags of fireball that you can pour out of the box, play slap the bag..what have you. If you are at the liquor store and see it on the shelves and are trying to be a somewhat decent member of civilization, simply walk away. If you feel like being a delinquent, post your experience or go out and pick up a box and drink it with a few friends and follow up.
Does anyone have any stories? Me my woman and a couple of friends did some work on a box before a hockey game... we made it through about 15 minutes of the game before getting thoroughly thrown out of the game--didn't even make it through a period! We were fans of the visiting team, and sitting in the second row so maybe not the best place to be a total shit show. As security escorted us out I was all wasted like "whatever, we're gonna win, we'll win..." to the whole crowd who I'm sure was cheering our being escorted out. While outside the arena, for some reason I also took off my jersey and threw it-- I was too blacked out and my friends were also too drunk to do/think anything about it besides watch it happen. We did win, too bad I didnt get to see the W but I wouldn't have remembered anyways. I ended up throwing up a lot later in the of my friends gave me a trash bucket to puke in---it was a wicker basket.... There was also a tampon in the wicker basket of which their beagle ate my puke the next day and also ate a whole tampon that I threw up on..kinda metal