My dad, sister, and I are coming out to Keystone at the end of December. I was wondering if anyone can get us some great prices or maybe even free lift tickets if possible for the 28, 29, and 30.
Thank you
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SammyDubzyes I'm sure some people on here would love to give you free tickets
LagoThere are some nice people out there that have connections so how about you get outta this thread with that negativity.
LagoThere are some nice people out there that have connections so how about you get outta this thread with that negativity.
eheathThis isn't wrong, but the dude is right, people will give their free tickets to their family and friends over a random person on the internet. Barely any Vail employees get free tickets, usually vouchers for cheaper tickets tho, but same thing goes here.
Anyway, local shops and rental places sell discount tickets, etc I don't have any specific info, but I'd check into it, buying full price at the mountain is avoidable.
The.Fishhave fun in traffic and lift lines. thats all I can say
chiefclulHave fun being a little bitch at your 4 lift ski resort in the middle of fucking nowhere Ohio. Were getting pounded with snow in Colorado so stop being a dick and purchase your ticket to a real resort
chiefclulHave fun being a little bitch at your 4 lift ski resort in the middle of fucking nowhere Ohio. Were getting pounded with snow in Colorado so stop being a dick and purchase your ticket to a real resort
The.FishLol im gonna be in winter park with the locals.
chiefclulThat would be A-Basin buddy. Definitely not WP. Keystone will get you more locals then WP ever would. You've also got the traffic and lift lines so Idk What you're talking about
snomastervail sold 650,000 epic passes
chiefclulThat would be A-Basin buddy. Definitely not WP. Keystone will get you more locals then WP ever would. You've also got the traffic and lift lines so Idk What you're talking about
kung_powpowlol well this guy obviously doesn't ski Summit county
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The.FishLol, winter park is a ghost town compared to any vail resort. All of america is gonna flock to the vail resorts on their epic pass. And winter park has very minimal traffic. You don't even go through the tunnel.
snomastervail sold 650,000 epic passes
kung_powpowlol well this guy obviously doesn't ski Summit county
chiefclulAlright so lets do a little bit of math..
You buy your Epic Pass for $769, and youve got access to 8 resorts in the country + 5 days at whistler and over 30 resorts in Europe.
So in the US (unlimited access), weve got over 30,000 skiable acres. That means around 39 acres per dollar you spend, not even including the out of country resorts.
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eheathOf that 30,000 acres, there are about 5,000 acres of good skiing... just saying.
chiefclulyeah but thats the same as at WP and Copper but only about 1,500 acres of it
chiefclulSure Vail may have sold more passes, but thats because they have so many more options. @kung_powpow youre the guy with Abay listed as your home mountain so if you care so much to defend WP, then why dont you take your ass over there?
The.FishYou tried to put me into a deep hole but just dug yourself one lol. I think you are a vail fanboy. Copper mountain is considered the best resort in summit county by 80% of the people i ask. 10% say aspen and the other 10% say a vail resort. I cannot speak on which mountain is best since i havent been to all of them but all i know is that any resort in the state is better than my home resort. Not like i can control where I was born so I'm sorry.
kung_powpowI wish I could but I'm stuck with the Epic local college pass in some sort of Vail resorts chokehold. It's tough to make the switch when all of my homies have the epic pass and I would lose a big chunk of the pre/late season without Abay. It's mainly the crowds that do it for me, and one of the biggest reasons I would switch to RMSP. I've skied the past 27 days straight and some days (especially weekends) are so ridiculously crowded with Weekend warriors and holiday gapers that I just don't even ski. I much rather ski WP or Copper to avoid the crowds. Steamboat access is a nice plus too.
The.FishYou tried to put me into a deep hole but just dug yourself one lol. I think you are a vail fanboy. Copper mountain is considered the best resort in summit county by 80% of the people i ask. 10% say aspen and the other 10% say a vail resort. I cannot speak on which mountain is best since i havent been to all of them but all i know is that any resort in the state is better than my home resort. Not like i can control where I was born so I'm sorry.
chodoIt's amazing how triggered people get by the word "VAIL".
Everyone needs to calm down and not be such arrogant fucks about where they like to ski or what pass they have.
chiefclulYeah I respect that, I am a weekend warrior due to being at school in Denver, but i've found my place in the community. WP is a nice resort and hey were still skiing right? Who cares where it is. I find A-Basin to be the best non-gaper more locally resort on the Epic Pass and they also have crazy amounts of terrain.
kung_powpowI'm fairly confident that Copper/WP is way less crowded than Key/Breck/Abay on any given day of the week. Vail sold 650,000 epic passes this year, and there's no way the RMSP outsold the Epic pass. Plus Vail Resorts (besides Abay) is the king of tourism. Surely Copper doesn't have 30 minute lift lines like last weekend at Key?
On a separate note, Abay has less than a 1000 acres so how does it have "crazy amounts of terrain"? Breck is 3000+ and Vail is 5000+ in comparison. Every time I've been to Abay this season, it's just been over run with front range gapers who slow down the already slow as fuck lifts.
eheathThis isn't wrong, but the dude is right, people will give their free tickets to their family and friends over a random person on the internet. Barely any Vail employees get free tickets, usually vouchers for cheaper tickets tho, but same thing goes here.
Anyway, local shops and rental places sell discount tickets, etc I don't have any specific info, but I'd check into it, buying full price at the mountain is avoidable.
kung_powpowI'm fairly confident that Copper/WP is way less crowded than Key/Breck/Abay on any given day of the week. Vail sold 650,000 epic passes this year, and there's no way the RMSP outsold the Epic pass. Plus Vail Resorts (besides Abay) is the king of tourism. Surely Copper doesn't have 30 minute lift lines like last weekend at Key?
On a separate note, Abay has less than a 1000 acres so how does it have "crazy amounts of terrain"? Breck is 3000+ and Vail is 5000+ in comparison. Every time I've been to Abay this season, it's just been over run with front range gapers who slow down the already slow as fuck lifts.
BarmskiActually you are wrong bud, full time employees get 20 passe vouchers a year and by March usually only half of them are used, yep that's 20 vouchers per employee times that by how many employees they have between summit and eagle counties =a ton of vouchers.
Whoever created this thread, pm me on here and we can work something out. It never hurts to ask, I would say on average theres always one or two passes floating around.
BarmskiThere's this thing called sidecountry and backcountry (Loveland pass), also the Pali lift is all you need, similar terrain to the wildcat chair at Alta, just less snowfall. Abasin has about half the crowd as a Vail resorts on a peak season Saturday.
SkiBum.Unless that 20 voucher thing is new, then you are wrong. Or some how you lucked out or worked the system.
From what I remember, full time year round management only got 4 free and maybe 12 or 8 even half price.
LagoMy dad, sister, and I are coming out to Keystone at the end of December. I was wondering if anyone can get us some great prices or maybe even free lift tickets if possible for the 28, 29, and 30.
Thank you