Just a observation...
It seems that this season thus far, or maybe ever since the Homepage got updated, photos are not being interacted with as much as they used to. (Not just my photos, but everyone's)
I feel in seasons past that solid photos would often get upwards of 60-70 up votes or more and often a handful of the community would be commenting and posting their thoughts on the photos.
Recently it seems that people are still posting super solid photos (IMO) and getting up votes in the teens and maybe a comment.
I know it's not all about having the most likes and comments, but it is nice to hear criticism or appreciation, which I feel I don't see as much anymore.
Are there just less people interacting on NS as whole?
Are the photos just getting less interaction due to a homepage layout/algorithm? i.e. photos on the right side.
Maybe myself and the other photogs are posting mediocre content???
Anyone else notice this?