187 Gotamas mounted once for a 320 bsl at recommended with sth2 16s. Around 30 days on them, bases and edges are good some minuscule signs of wear but overall in great condition. SOLD
186 renegades mounted once for deadbolts for a 295 Bsl. Bases and edges are good this ski is a little more used than the goats but is still looking good. Some rust on the edges from storage, probably needs a little love on the bases. SOLD
180 gypsy skny. Got these awhile ago from a friend who botched a mount on them and didn't want to deal with them. I mounted them with fks at recommended for a 320 bsl but on one ski there is another set of holes for a heel piece, not sure what bindings. I used them one day, maybe 3 runs pulled the bindings off and never touched them again, they are way too soft for my liking. Other than the mounts the skis are pretty close to new. SOLD
Pivot 18s hey are the chrome ones used a dozen or so days, in really good condition with 99mm brakes.
150 shipped
Deadbolt 18s. Used for a couple seasons other than paint chipping off they are good to go. 130mm brakes SOLD
More pics on request

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**This thread was edited on Dec 9th 2016 at 2:41:40pm
**This thread was edited on Dec 10th 2016 at 4:56:28pm
**This thread was edited on Dec 12th 2016 at 5:56:31pm