LC.I shim my Plums 7mm at the toes with LDPE chopping board. I like it, feels similar to my alpine setups with alpine boots or alpine setups with touring boots. I know very good skiers whose alpine and touring setups have different ramp and they don't seem to notice or mind. There's lots of variables involved and it's pretty much a feel & preference thing. Wildsnow has ramp/delta tables if you want to geek out.
Jam your touring boots into your alpine bindings, ski them carefully and take some measurements if you want to experiment. Or stand in your touring setup with the boot heel jammed in so that the heel pins sit on top of the heel lug instead of in the heel socket and you'll get an idea what a 10-12mm toe shim would feel like.
Thank you for the replies.
I agree with what you are saying. My touring set up feels way different than than my resort set up. What I'm trying to do with this thread is decide whether shims on my current set up would help me out with my problem or if I should just get a new and more aggressive ski with tech bindings.
I love my current set up, but it's just different. I don't know how to describe it, but it's just not as aggressive. My other set up was Volkl Ones with Salomon Guardians and Dalbello Boss boots. I'd love a compromise between my tech set up and resort set up. Would adding shims help me or just start over from scratch?