freeskibum82i must be missing something
"Tyrolia AAAttack 13 was a great binding. It has Tyrolias Freeride Pro Toe that looks and works similar to the Marker Royal Family. It has a horizontal spring, and full diagonal release that allows it to release with horizontal or vertical forces, helping to save the knees in a bad twisting fall."
Idk who wrote that review, but the attacks same with marker royal family do NOT have a vertical release at the front toe.
The problem or key difference to Look or Solli bindings is the horizontal built in spring that guarantees a safe release and elestacity. Due to that there s no vertical release in the front toe, because its almost impossible to built that and the elasticity is worse than sth2, fks...
The advantages are: -cheaper, because Marker/Tyrolia uses the same toes as their frame touring bindings.
-its easier to have the height adjustment feature (for wtr soles and so on) oh and:
-it looks more "freeridey/newschoolish" -> sells better.
The last point was the argument for Tyrolia to build the Attacks (instead of continuing the Peaks). no joke. The old tyrolia peaks had a vertical release in the front toe though.