alright, i got some comments...
First, Aspen has the X-Games through 2007, its going to be there, its not moving, get over it.
Second, Dan Marion was definetly robbed. His last run was suuuuper sick. I think it was mostly a popularity contest, although I was glad to see Tanner not take gold in anything.
Third, the pipe was super icy, the temperature dropped so fast that night, i know GenerlDisordr was there and he can back me up on this, but it got fucking cold fast. Thats why there was a lot of crashes.
Fourth, (this is the big one)....all you fockers who say the pipe was shitty are fucking stupid. The pipe was perfect. It doesnt matter how big the walls are, or how long or icy or whatever, its all about one words: transitions. The X-Games pipe had the most perfect transitions I have ever seen. 20+ ft. Look at Jon and his run, it was sick, and it was because he used those trannies.
ATLANTASKI: not everyone is gung-ho about skiing like we are. There are people out there who dig snowmobiling, and in my opinions, slednecks are some of the craziest mutherfucka's out there, and I give them huge props. I doubt you actually watched any of the sledding, but if you did, you wouldve seen what they were doing and you would be giving them props too. And also, lets see you through a cork 5 and stick it in an X-Games pipe. If you can, THEN you can start talking shit.
just my two cents
'core shots just mean you're badass.' -itsbackfliptime