Figuring out how to manage a changing climate will be the defining issue of our generation. Fiscal and social issues may seem important now, but none of them will be relevent when millions of people living in coastal areas are displaced by rising sea levels and there's no earth left to support the basic necessities of human life.
Climate change simply should not be a political issue at this point. Claiming that climate change isn't real or human-caused is a blatant denial of well-proven facts accepted by scientists universally.
Other issues aside, I just want to bring it to your attention that President Elect Donald Trump plans to appoint a man head of the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) who is one of the leaders of the climate change denial movement. Let me reiterate, THE NEXT HEAD OF THE EPA DOES NOT BELIEVE IN CLIMATE CHANGE. No matter your political tendencies, that should sound a little bit off (See article and petition linked below).
Our sport depends on a very particular climate, and without that climate, WE WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SKI ANYMORE.
Many people complain that all this is just liberal banter, and no one ever suggests anything that you can do to help. YOU CAN HELP, spend time researching the difference between climate and weather, educate yourself on the issue so that you may educate others. Sign the petition linked below to help block Ebell's appointment and give us a fighting chance at saving our planet and our sport.
NASA climate site:
Article on appointment: