skiermanYup that's what happens when you don't know how to properly clean your lens. Way to ruin your goggles like a n00b and no, this is not a warranty issue. You'd be very lucky if they gave you any leeway.
Meh. When I lived in NZ my lenses did that as well as a lot of people I worked with. That said there was a major icing problem there. Worse than I've seen anywhere else. We were working outside on days when the mountain was closed. You had to keep clearing your goggles every few seconds at times or you were lost.
I would have been alright because I ordered clears but there was some new guy in whatever department the orders came in through and he let them sit there for over a month before we got them. At that point mine were donezo.
But you're probably right other than that. And sure I could have cleaned mine better but it was fucking insta ice.
/cool story
OP Just buy a new lens.