Ive lived in Vancouver pretty much my whole life. I grew up skiing cypress. Ya there park kinda sucks but its on the come up. they open the best the earliest. grouse often opens at the same time but they tend to only have a bunny hill with a jib park the first few weeks while cyp tends to have at least a few runs and a decent park maybe even better then whistlers park the first week.
cypress and grouse have snowmaking, Seymour doesn't. tjis is very important for early and late season and if its a really bad season then cypress is always the best of grouse is second and Seymour will occasionally be closed almost all season.
Grouse tends to stay open latest into the spring. Cypress is highest elevation and furthest west so i'm pretty sure it gets more snow then other mountains. Ive only skied seymour once as a kid but ive heard its pretty easy to sneak into so maybe consider getting a grouse or cyp pass and sneaking seymour. ive never snuck into cypress either but i dont think it would be difficult at all. Grouse is impossible to sneak into unless you wanna hike the grouse grind before skiing or you have a friend with a pass. cypress has the best terrain but there arent really any inbounds cliffs at all. theres a little hill inbounds at cypress with a mellow 5 min hike that always has untracked on the other side. if your looking for cool BC terrain check
http://www.mowgli.ca/map.html and zoom in on grouse or cypress. Seymour also has good BC and good spots for building jumps. I'm pretty sure Seymour's where most of the BC features in movies that have Vancouver in the background are. Cyp and grouse have lift lines on weekends, not sure bout seymour. cypress is by far the biggest area. almost double the area of grouse or seymour. cypress doesnt really have as many nsers or park skiers. also if your going to cyp and its not night you might as well just go to whis cause its only an 1:10 further and your already on the highway.
hope that helps