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eheathThe people helping us with the articles are the people who did the most last year with the journalism program and thats the bottom line, its completely based on numbers.
steezyjibberhad a hunch something was changing
TwigSomething had to change
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Mr.BishopHere's the thing though - What this all taught me is that the programs had the wrong focus. I tried to focus on getting money to people who were contributing content for free... thinking that they could earn themselves a living if they wanted to. What it should have been focused on is the idea that we need to consistently produce high-quality content and have the best editorial team on the planet. In order to do that, people need to work for the site full-time and make good money. Its what allows us to take risks on content, and the site eats the losses if content fails. It allows us to build an editorial voice, to schedule content properly, to curate the community. It allows us to have a professional edit staff.
The programs and the open system shouldn't be focused around allowing random people to make a bit of money... they should be focused on finding the new people we need to hire as our success creates new jobs. They should focus on finding us top-notch freelancers who can be assigned budget and travel to work on vetted pieces we know are going to work. The more we build on this part of the business, the more it grows and the more we spend on content.
So from this day forwards, you don't submit content to Newschoolers in the hopes of getting on a program that makes you a few bucks in revenue share... you submit it because its the testing ground of who has what it takes to join what is shaping up to be the best editorial staff on the planet. Show us you have what it takes to succeed, and you will join our ranks eventually.
ItoMakes sense to me - though tbh I wasn't in it for a the money, I just enjoyed having a larger reach to my work and having something extra to help motivate me. If you guys decide to do a photo content team again but doesn't have any monetary incentive, I would love to be a part of it.
Mr.BishopI'd also like to clarify that the old programs are still around, there's just much fewer people involved in them. Two to be exact, plus four other graduates working on a different stuff for us.
**This post was edited on Oct 18th 2016 at 7:22:35pm
ItoMakes sense to me - though tbh I wasn't in it for a the money, I just enjoyed having a larger reach to my work and having something extra to help motivate me. If you guys decide to do a photo content team again but doesn't have any monetary incentive, I would love to be a part of it.
steezyjibberPretty much what lto said - I was never in the program to make money. For me, it was about getting experience writing in the ski industry, building connections, seeing my content on NS's social media, and reading the comments from members.
Why didn't I write more? Well, a variety of reasons, but really I just like writing articles I actually care about. I always understood the goal was to churn out short-form content, and I believe in that whole idea for sure (as long as some long-form articles are getting pumped out too!), but I simply never had a huge drive to create super short articles.
More funds for travel, assignments, etc. sounds like a great idea, personally speaking.
So in conclusion, NS is awesome and always will be. Definitely appreciate the content team opportunity. I'll continue posting articles from time to time, and videos and photos obviously as well.
In other news, I'm stoked for winter and stoked to shred.
Mr.BishopPhotos is a bit of a question mark right now to be perfectly honest. People still hold their best shit for mags, though that is not going to last long as a viable source of money if you ask me. Instagram is the popular dumping ground for free photos... and our photo section has lagged other than the splash page.
The hopes are that essentially we'll be starting to pay web-reasonable rates for our news articles and instagram channels. The photo program was amazing, but it didn't net a ton of great results. We had the oakley sponsorship last year of Photo of the Day, but sadly they didn't renew it.
Very open to hear theories on the future of photos on the internet.
Yeah I mean I think that was the case - we built a program which was designed around the idea people would be in it for the money and outputting to do so. That didn't seem to be the case, more the case was that there's sleeping talent out there that just wants to fuck around with it every now and then to see if its a fit.
I actually think the new setup is going to serve that type of a person better. If you want to just get something out there - do it. If it works out, then you can join something much larger and more well-oiled. If not, then you got your story out there and either you want to do it again or not.
Mr.BishopPhotos is a bit of a question mark right now to be perfectly honest. People still hold their best shit for mags, though that is not going to last long as a viable source of money if you ask me. Instagram is the popular dumping ground for free photos... and our photo section has lagged other than the splash page.
The hopes are that essentially we'll be starting to pay web-reasonable rates for our news articles and instagram channels. The photo program was amazing, but it didn't net a ton of great results. We had the oakley sponsorship last year of Photo of the Day, but sadly they didn't renew it.
Very open to hear theories on the future of photos on the internet.
Yeah I mean I think that was the case - we built a program which was designed around the idea people would be in it for the money and outputting to do so. That didn't seem to be the case, more the case was that there's sleeping talent out there that just wants to fuck around with it every now and then to see if its a fit.
I actually think the new setup is going to serve that type of a person better. If you want to just get something out there - do it. If it works out, then you can join something much larger and more well-oiled. If not, then you got your story out there and either you want to do it again or not.
LynxNationUnderstood. But I hope I can help you guys if you ever need any in the future! Will never thank you enough for the help in getting me to Nine Knights. Best moment of my life.
TwigSomething had to change. For reference, the people who are still involved in some capacity produced more than 97% of the total traffic from the program last year.
We're still very much hoping to see people contributing content and if someone does regularly impress us, they will 100% be included in what we're doing moving forward.
LJ.CorralesBest way for a photographer to get their stuff known? Is posting a lot of photos the only option, or what are you guys looking for?
Deepskierwhy was my orange name taken away?
eheathYour name was never orange?
DeepskierI thought it was but it went back to blue sometime last fall.
BWalmerYour profile notes shows no color changes.