pvilleskierthank you guys for some reassuring input. Fredy, where did you mount them? Im planning on -2 from true center. also whats your height and weight and how do you like how the 178 skis for you?
I haven't skied them, but I'm a park rat, so I'll be mounting them center, because that's what I'm used to and I ski a lot of rails. But if I was to ski 60/40 I'd mount them -2 like you said, the recommended is at -4 so in between seems like a good option, and guys at the shop where I work who want their park ski to perform well outside the park all mount them at -2/-2.5. I'm 5"10 and 155 lbs, so at 6" I wouldn't even consider the 178, the ski has a low swing weight so they'll be easy to maneuver in the park even if you're just getting into it.