TMarshWhat are the cults?
LiteraturePrivate forums that are, in many cases, invite only. Holdovers from another age on NS. Dig around on your forums tab and you may yet find some.
They're listed under the "MORE" tab up top Some are open join, some you click t request to join and the cult leaders/master can add you.
Same layout as the regular forums but they were private little groups sort of.
There were a lot for different mountains or crews.
We had a pretty sold one for my areas "gore cult" for people who skied gore and the surrounding areas. It was good for talking about the mountain, where we should party, urban, inside jokes, and anything that nobody in the main forums would have cared about because it didn't pertain to them.
Unfortunately most died out between 09-10 as everyone shifted to facebook etc. A lot of people didn't know they existed so they didn't get new people, old member left and boom, dead.
Unfortunately now the forums are starting to head the same way.
There are still few active cults. I think ladies men is actually really active as well as a few others. Maybe the 420 cult(although I think the leaders of that left like 7 years ago so you'll probably never get accepted)
Check them out. Even if it's just to browse once, it used to be the most happening thing on here.