Baked thoughts; I have never seen the word "negative fear" before but here is what it means in my head. There are 2 kinds of fears in my opinion. There is a positive and a negative fear. Positive fear is for actual danger, like sharks, tornados and shit like that. Negative fear is when your fearing something that is either in your ability to do, or something that shouldn't be a fear. Its interesting because the 2 are totally subjective and unique for each person.
Here are the 3 tips I thought of to beat negative fear:
ps. for me it was backflips, I knew I had the skill and wanted to but negative fear held me back.
1. Do you really have a realistic "want"/ or belief that you can. ( if not then train more, tutorials etc and one day you will have that urge of belief)
2. Do you have a realistic skill or ability to match whatever fear you have.
3. ( this thinking mind applies more towards sports, mostly skiing) but lastly a partner can help you improve or conquer fearful things. e.g cliff drops, rails, asking a girl out, shotgunning etc.
Probably going to make a series of positive thoughts and mindfulness in general. That was pretty fun to write.