You can tell a lot about someone just by the stickers and decals the choose to represent on their vehicle!
I am no different. What does your stickers say about you?
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Bodhisattva_No matter what your sticker actually says it just reads "I'm poor"
TurquoiseCowboySo no stickers = wealthy?
TurquoiseCowboySo no stickers = wealthy?
Dennis_Reynoldsanyone who puts a sticker on their car
"I am uneducated and enjoy decreasing the resale value of my car"
Dennis_Reynoldsanyone who puts a sticker on their car
"I am uneducated and enjoy decreasing the resale value of my car"
Dennis_Reynoldsanyone who puts a sticker on their car
"I am uneducated and enjoy decreasing the resale value of my car"
Dennis_ReynoldsHave you ever seen a Mercedes with a sticker on it?
Dennis_Reynoldsanyone who puts a sticker on their car
"I am uneducated and enjoy decreasing the resale value of my car"
theabortionatorNo stickers no problems
CTDstickers = cop bait
Dennis_Reynoldsanyone who puts a sticker on their car
"I am uneducated and enjoy decreasing the resale value of my car"
PoLaRpEaKI'm not sure what education has to do with it. I have a dozen stickers on my Audi and 8 years of post secondary. Money isn't important to me.
SVmikeMy high school ride said I was trying way too hard. My 1982 Chevy cavalier had more stickers than a NASCar. All skiing or water polo related. My pops let me paint my own racing stripes on it. windows didn't roll up.... but damn was it rad. Next was the Bronco. There I kept it clean just a few strategically placed important to me sticker. It called out I'm still fun but also I have matured. Now with the Excursion I have just two. Both Die cuts One is the company I work for the other is the state I call home. Represent with out being obnoxious.
californiagrownIt has a connotation of the owner not being a mature, serious adult. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but it will draw unwanted attention from police, and will convey that same message to people who value a certain amount of mature seriousness eg. your boss, a potential client, your soon to be father in law haha.
Idk, i like both sides of the fence. I have my shit fully together and like progressing in that aspect of my life, but i also enjoy the not so serious or mature part of life haha. I dont feel the need to loudly (which is what youre doing with your vehicle) express myself every damn time i step into my car haha.
supermagician__but you're also taking shit way too seriously if you think the added millisecond of cops attention you're going to grab will affect you, or anyone else here. People who I hang out with bomb their windshields (front) with stickers and generally no one gets messed around with unless they're actually in the process of doing illegal shit.
making things look nice is not immature, the community surrounding vehicles and doing proper vinyl work is probably more lucrative than whatever you're doing right now lol.
californiagrownI know stickers are something cops are taught to look for, I'd rather be invisible.
Stickers make the car standout, and personalize it. Nice is in the eye of the beholder ;) and a large percentage of the population thinks stickers are just as tacky as jeans with graphics etc. If you think it looks cool, why do you care what I think? But you should be aware of the impression your car gives others.
And yes, I'm sure the very upper end wrap guys make a good living... what is your point in regards to that?
louie.miragsThey read, "pull me over I'm young and most likely have weed and don't know how to say no to getting searched"
supermagician__You've brought going ahead in life and being mature into this thread, I figured I'd relate a few people I know who are probably making more money than you. You do not hold the opinion of the vast majority, and you're still bringing cops into this.
You care too much, that is the point I started off with and it's the point i'll finish off with.
DeebieSkeebiesSmith Optics - I thoroughly enjoy shitty goggles (need to take this one off actually, its peeling up)
Snowbird - Do I even have to explain it? Im a way more badass radical skier than you'll ever be
2nd Tracks Sports - Im a cheap son of a bitch and only buy brand new gear when its at least a year or two old.
GORILLAWALLACEI never put any stickers on my car to keep blended in.
when people have stickers on their car it says "I'm under 25 years old". and since I drive a volvo s60 I can only assume people think I'm and old man, and I'd like to keep it that way. cops don't look twice.
cydwhitI generally drive pretty beater cars. I don't usually speed, and I don't smoke, so I'm not ever worried about cops or resale value.
So I have a lot of stickers, just because I like to rep people I'm friends with, and they make my scion look less like a sorority girl owns it.
But I only put a sticker on my car if I have a personal relationship with something to do with the brand or place.
DeebieSkeebiesnever really experience cops harassing me or my friends who have all had stickers on their cars. Granted we are pasty white bread kids in a ski town so that may explain it. Sounds like a lot of you guys live in small towns with cops that have nothing better to do, Its mostly interstate driving where I am at with Highway Patrol up the ass and Ive never ever seen them pull over cars with shitloads of stickers, its usually Mexicans or asshats who drive like shit/speed.
supermagician__i drive a miata