NabobUncoilThese are some of my videos from the 2015 Ski/ Longboarding Season, i am looking for suggestions on how i can improve my editing/ Film work for the upcoming season(s).
Any suggestions would help!
Film Reel:
Mini Film:
didn't get a chance to watch the mini film yet but for your film reel there's a few things I noticed, right off the bat there was an odd continuity between shots the color correction looks alright but I am curious about if you gave it a film grade as well as matching shots as close as you can so it doesn't go from light to dark to red hued sunny day. Maybe move similarly lit clips in the timeline back to back then use a transition to ease the eye into the shots that are a different lighting. A handful of your shots seem like you buzzed the focus (missed the shot) where the rider seemed fuzzy, I am assuming its your warp stabilizing when you use that it will soften the footage be sure to give it a little sharpening on those clips. The clip of the power slide seemed like you focused on the ground 5feet from the curb and as he came in it was blurred on him. These soft shots may be entirely the way you uploaded to YouTube, For yT I prefer an 8 target bitrate with a max of 12 but if your video has alot of fine detail you can go up to 12-14 gotta do some test uploads to see which gives you the cleanest footage on the web. Dont take any of this the wrong way because your camera work was awesome I liked your lifestyle and filler shots alot. If you are going to use cinema bars dont put any clips in where you cut their head or feet unless you intentionally are shooting their feet or head like a close up rail or a filler, if you need to use the clip keyframe the position and slide the video up or down where it cut an element. Cheers