Over the the past 10+ years of park skiing i've managed to keep all but two sets of park skis. Most are missing edges, delaminated, broken in half, and have altered graphics.
The 2006 armada ar5 in 176cm length, when i retired that ski it was missing a couple feet of edges on each ski. A buddy was happy to use them until the edges were completely gone and spraypainted black. They were once again passed along and i remember seeing a video of them being snapped in half by a guy in a kkk white knight outfit and thrown away.. Needless to say these skis lived a pretty damn sick life. If anyone finds that video i'd be unbelievably stoked.
The 2012 Line chronic is the other one that got away.. no cool story here, broke it in half doin drunk love runs with a girl that got away. Ski got warrantied. Thanks Line!
So i'd love to get my hands on these two pairs of skis, the condition doesn't matter, completely broken is fine. I don't really wanna spend much money but i'm happy to send a few dollars your way.
Once the ski collection of 10 is complete they will be sanded, painted and hung on the wall, should be cool right!