GokuYou don't, you live in Idaho.
Source: A midwest transplant.
Don't attempt this move without:
1. A trust fund
2. A girlfriend (she'll leave you for someone way radder once you get here though)
3. The ability to dink copious amounts of beer & whiskey.
I kid, it's hard to get here at first but once you make it, you'll love it.
Teton Valley's garage sale on facebook is where I found housing when I first moved out.
Have about $2500-$3000 ready to go for a first month, last month, deposit. As Whitling said, the housing is fucked and it's becoming fucked even over here.
We were forced out of our last home for not being a family, all in an effort to keep the "ski bums" out.
We (I) told the HOA we were gay and after investigation they deemed that to be not true and made us leave.
If you need any help from a former Midwesterner hit me up!
I'm also a former Midwesterner / Jackson transplant!!
1. Having savings seriously helps as Goku said, the First/Last/Deposit sucks. (In ads it will be the acronym F/L/D or FLD. I didn't catch that at first, ha).
2. Yeah, it's impossible to find housing. Once you know a lot of people it's a little easier, but still not easy. I lived in my van for the first summer.
3. Car life / van life is fine in the summer, I would do it again and you save a lot of money. If you end up taking this route, shoot me a message and I can give you tips from someone who had no idea what she was doing.
4. In the winter you can rent hotel rooms monthly for not super expensive, and when it's too cold to make your car work (which it is)
And yeah, Idaho is always a cheaper option if you don't mind driving the pass. But Jackson is so fun if you can swing living on this side....
Other resources:
and when you get there, the JH Daily is free and people actually use the classifieds. Good luck!