Hey guys. My gf almost got scammed by this guy posing as an indian girl speaking broken english. He was pulling the overpayment scam (with fake check and all). I did not tell him I found out and have been leading him on, it's actually been quite fun, a lot of funny quotes. He was like threatening to call the FBI on me if I did not send the money (which didnt clear) to some random ass account in Dallas.
I'll post up some screenshots later, good stuff just pretending to be any and offering him money, so gullible. here's his number: 571 384 8251
It's a google account number and he won't answer calls. The closest I've got to tracking him down is tracking from where the fake check was sent, seems to be Schenectady new york.
First one to find this guys info wins. Also funniest screenshot gets free karma. Show this scumbag what being fucked with feels like