#1: Samyang 14mm f/2.8 EF Mount ($240 USD)
-Perfect Condition
-Has only been used about 5-7 times
#2: GenusTech Mattebox Lite ($140 USD)
-Great Condition
-Clamp on Mattebox
-Only has a few minor blemishes/marks
-Included 4x4 UV filter
-67mm adapter ring included
-62-67mm step up ring optional
-Will add in Lee 4x4 ND Filters (0.9, 0.6, 0.3) for only $30 USD (Perfect Condition, Used Once) (Or you can buy these separate)
#3: Vitrox DC-50 Monitor ($45 USD)
-5" Monitor
-Focus Peaking
-Perfect Condition
-Only been used twice
-Includes 2 Batteries and Ball Head
#4: Opteka SV-HD Stabilizer ($45 USD)
-Great Condition
-Can hold up to 8 pounds
-Easy to balance
-Includes carrying case
All products include original boxes except for matte box and stabilizer