Replying to rails: a paradox
now, don't get me wrong, rails are fun, and often stylish, and the tricks are interesting and varied (well, maybe not that varied), and when done correctly, very impressive...
however, most everyone here, myself included, despises rollerbladers: why do we? we are all just rollerbladers when we take it to the rails, just with more equipement and less tricks to do on them...
so why the hate, if we are all just a bunch of hypocrites?
Aujourd'hui pour être fun et bigarré, frais et bein formé, il te faut savoir à casser! Le cassage est un art, ne le pourissez pas!
Là tu vois tu peux pas répondre: t'es amoli, déchiqueté, astiqué et complétement cassé!!! A yé, t'es prêt a pleurer!
Vis ton cassage et tais toi!
evolution theory: the real brainwash of society
Its NS... retards blend in. - J.D._May
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