and no one is forcing it on anyone... if laws are passed against christians (no 10 commandemants at school for example), no one but christians care, everyone praises it, take a law for gay marriage, everyone praises it... we voice our opinion, you can choose to listen to it or not, but you have to respect it...
if anything like this was said to a jew, or muslim, or gay, than everyone would be up in arms, suing lefta and right, but the fact that its against christians makes it legit, no one cares...
my sister put up tracts at a school for a christian group (there was a gay rights group, a neo nazi group too), and all were torn down, some burned, some graffitied... if anyone had done this to a gay rights tract, someone would have been arrested, and freedom of speech and expression would have been used to no end, but the fact that it was against christains makes it somehow noble, and worthy...
not true, we all have the right to express our views, be it for education, gay rights, abortion, whatever, and you must repect that, even if you don't agree, any christian does the same thing as you did, its a hate speech and we are all dragged through the mud.
Aujourd'hui pour être fun et bigarré, frais et bein formé, il te faut savoir à casser! Le cassage est un art, ne le pourissez pas!
Là tu vois tu peux pas répondre: t'es amoli, déchiqueté, astiqué et complétement cassé!!! A yé, t'es prêt a pleurer!
Vis ton cassage et tais toi!
evolution theory: the real brainwash of society
Its NS... retards blend in. - J.D._May