... are so fun to jib! i just sessioned my local skatepark after a dump, and i spent the most part of 2 hours jibbing this qp, and it is sooo fun... i had never done this before, but it comes so easy, within minutes i was doing nose press, tail press, rock fakie, 1 foot rock fakie, fishbrain fakie, and cross fakie, i mean the possibilities are endless! this week end im going to try 180 switch rock or whatever its called... anyone have this much fun in your skatepark? and if not, you should seriously consider trying qps...
Aujourd'hui pour être fun et bigarré, frais et bein formé, il te faut savoir à casser! Le cassage est un art, ne le pourissez pas!
Là tu vois tu peux pas répondre: t'es amoli, déchiqueté, astiqué et complétement cassé!!! A yé, t'es prêt a pleurer!
Vis ton cassage et tais toi!
evolution theory: the real brainwash of society
Its NS... retards blend in. - J.D._May