Last Wednesday I had my wisdom teeth removed. They gave me this IV which really did a job... It put me into this ultimate state of unknowing... I think I kinda realized that they were fucking around in my mouth but I didn't care. At first it really hurt cause I didn't have any painkillers leaving the hospital and had to drive 1 1/2 hours home till I could get some. Then a few days later I was eating and felt this wierd snap. I knocked out a clot or something... Thus giving me a exposed nerve. A dry socket. The next days were filled with tremedous pain all the time. I couldn't eat, drink or sleep. My parents realized something was wrong and we went to the dentist and he fixed me up. Man... that was the coup-de-grace on pain. It really really really hurt. Everything was fine for a few hours and I had something to eat but now it seem like it is going to perhaps start hurting again.
Ouch, anyone have anything like this done before? What is gonna happen?
That dream where you're falling, that's fun to me...