so today instead of going to the u.s. open i went to breck and rode at freeway. this afternoon i came up to the top of the pipe, and this kid drops and his first 2 hits are prety mellow, boosting, but nothing amazing, then i looked away, back up at the jumps, and i hear somone say o shit ! i turn around the kid is falling back into the pipe. aparently what happened was he was working on flairs, and got inverted and his rotation stoped and landed on his neck on the deck. he was unconcious for a little while, then he woke back up and was screaming and shit, i think he broke his back, i dont know, but if he died, i guess i watched him die, does anyone know anything about this? what happend to the kid? i know his friends called his mom, and she was flippin. and what do you all think about seeing stuff like that? does it bring you back down to reality when you see someone get messed up that bad? i know it kinda messed up my rythum fot the rest of the day. regarless keep that kid in your prayers, he is going to need it i think.
'what?' Lauren every time you ask her a question for the first time!
skiing what i thought this was a porn site and every one i was talking to were sexy ppl ..i thought skiing was a sex term we all uesed. damn!-twintiprider
'did you know your skiing backwards?'
a female tourist to me at breck while riding switch down a trail to the park.