Replying to Looking for a Park ski
Hey guys
Im Looking for a park ski, I will use the ski as a primary park ski, I only use the slopes to get to the park and back to the chairlift. Im looking for a ski which is easy to butter, got a low swingweight and still got my back on landings (in terms of washing out).
As I already said, it should be possible too, to drive the ski at the slope (it doesn´t have to be the pistekiller of doom obviously)
My park riding style:
I like to do Nose/Tailbutters and hit jumps and rails/boxes too.
Im 1,84cm and my weight is around 143pounds.
Skis I looked at:
- Armada Edollo (I read, that they aren´t good for throwing bigger tricks of bigger jumps)
- Line Chronic (At 1st the recommended mounting point, -4, seems strange to me and 2nd Im scared that the ski is to stiff for easy butters/presses)
- Armada Bdog (Wheres the difference to the Edollo?)
- Atomic Punx (Same thought as on the Line Chronic)
- Line Twallisch Model releasing 2017 (any one knows/got an idea of how they will be?)
I would be glad if u can help me
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