Calvin_Da_Vizehey whats up my name is calvin and i had a buddy take a couple shots of me this year as it was my second year so rate my skiing for me
Aight dude, you asked for it.
I was a little surprised, you have to be the first noob claimer on SG that actually delivered something worth my time. Your park is pretty good, keep practicing and build your skill. You seem to have a pretty cool vibe going on with ya. As long as you can keep that, youll be a fine rider.
First, you can't ski for shit. No excuses, you can shred park, but can you kill a mogul line or hike a sick line for hours? Skiing is about building on basic skills; such as turning, and build on that by picking a direction that suits your needs. The skiing is always backseat, highly unstable and you are not consistant at all. 90% of shots were crashes of just mindless hucking. That isnt my style at all; I would qualify you are a liability prone to injury.
The last point is the bragging. You dont need others to validate you as a skier, a member or rad dude. You should never seek that attention either, its bad ethics and an attention whore. The thing about skiing is the rest of the world cannot give a shit about you. Its not about you imposing an image, but letting others build that personna. At my hill, people know me by name; I go to the grocery store later and I am just a regular everyday normal guy. Its the same here, I dont know you and I have no reason to care about what you do. I expect the same attitude of everyone towards me.
Not an ego shot man, NS has always humbled me back into reality. The editing was good, but the camera work is very shaky. Learn to use stills and a tripod. The interviewing was bad and the slush pool was repetitive. The crashing showed how bad you are at skiing, cut them out altogether. Show more diversity in your next edits and just put it out there without hyping it.
good luck