Hahaha please make the Donald Trump Hands thing catch on.
This isn't exactly on point, but a number of them are a part of what is now being called the "Regressive Left" on twitter and elsewhere - which is essentially people on the left wing who claim to stand up for liberal values, but are willing to discard those values on a group basis to address some systemic privilege based on oppression (actual or hyperbolized).
So, for example, free speech is a liberal value, but if you want to come to a college campus and talk about why you don't like feminism, or why affirmative action is a bad idea, you'll be banned. Equal rights for women is a liberal value, but if you want to criticize the way women are treated in Muslim-majority countries or talk about female genital mutilation, you'll be silenced because I guess Muslim people are more oppressed than women on a group basis (not too clear on the logic of that one).
In other words, people who call themselves liberal but reject the notion of rights on an individual level, which is the basic point of being a liberal. While it's slightly different from what you're talking about, most of the "easily offended SJW" people you're talking about fall into this category and it might help to understand why they do what they do. Here: