MikeWeinerONEPlease tell me what big mountain comps you are judging where an athlete would give the judges 20 dollars to re-run. That is definitely not true, at any IFSA run event, and there are also no re-runs.
You are right, it's $25. I have taken this season off but for the last few years... Head Judge at Wrangle the Chute 4* (ifsa) and judge at every JR Canadian stop (ifsa). plus pre Wrangle 4* I was the TD and head judge and head judge at the Lake Louise Big Mountain Challenge. Are you a competitor? I have only seen one call for a re-run before, someone missed their run and the next competitor was pushed to drop in sooner. We didn't grant it. Trust me, I find the entire thing ridiculous.
From the 2015 IFSA athlete handbook....
6. Athlete Protests
1. Protests are to be filed only due to run interference.
2. Protest against disqualifications and/or clerical error must be made with in 15 minutes
after the posting of final results.
3. No protests against scoring are allowed. All scores are final. Scores will not be changed or adjusted.
4. The only protest concerning scoring will be if the athlete wishes to pay the protest fee of $25 to check addition of scoring.
5. Competitor protests cost $25 immediately following the competitor s run.
6. It is the responsibility of the competitor to contact the technical director at the finish area and
pay $25.
7. If the technical director cannot make the determination of a provisional rerun, it is up to the discretion of the head judge.
8. The technical director will decide the completion of the run or day if the provisional re-run will stand.
9. If the re-run stands, the athlete may not chose to change his/her mind and take the score of the first run.
10. If protest is unsubstantiated by another competitor it will be automatically denied.