So i was playing poker with this kid, who has a brother in college.
So he goes up to his brother's college and stays overnight with him and some of his bro's friends. They start drinking and partying and start dropping acid. Then one of the kids goes 'HEY! we need to go find a hobgoblin to party with!'
So they go and get into their truch and drive down the street searching for a hobgoblin. For about a half an hour and just when they go to go back to the dorm, they see it, a HOBGOBLIN.
So they snatch the hobgoblin and put it in the truck. Then they go back to dorm and drink and party all night with the hobgoblin.
When they decide to go to sleep, they put the hobgolbin in the closet, because thats where hobgoblins sleep apparently.
The next morning, they wake up to a banging on the closet door. They open it up, and what do they see, A 4 YEAR OLD BLACK GIRL. Thats right, they kidnapped a little black girl, mistaking her for a hobgolbin and partied all night with her.
For those of you who don't know what a hobgoblin is, here's
Good Fun With A Hand Gun.
Future Canadian