All of us have skiers which we idolise and aspire to be.
But lets talk about the opposite.
For me the main skier is Gus Kenworthy.
One hand he is an amazing skier and has had the courage of coming out. That must be something very difficult to do, especially after he said he struggled with it during his childhood, with a very masculine sided view in skiing.
However, to me he also seems to be using it as a CONSTANT marketing point. It this regard I have lost a little respect. He no doubt still slays, but still.
I mean in the end, he is trying to make a living. And I so suppose it would help him. But similar to Shaun White, is he really doing what he does for the sport? Or trying really to capitalise off the moment? Or are his sponsors expecting him to and that he doesn't have a choice?
So whilst I do feel he should be applauded for coming out to the public, I feel that sometimes it can be too excessive. Perhaps I don't understand or know the full story. Just my 2 cents
So NS, are there any skiers who you have lost respect for? Thoughts?