I'm not sure if this goes in SG or here so I just put it here anyways
So awhile ago I posted on here about an app I was working on called PowHunter that did Ski Area weather, lift status, ski maps, and run information. I got a little feedback we worked on it some more and today it was released. Its a fucking sick app if you wanna check it out you can here -> http://bit.ly/1VzU0cn
But this is where I need you,
One of our core features is Run Recommendations. You can rate runs and we do some math and shit and then we can recommend runs to you that you might like hopefully so you don't look like a fucking gaper on vacation skiing shitty runs. In order to do this, we need a little bit of crowd sourced information in addition to the information that we already have.
Here is my proposal: If any of you here on NS want to help me out and make $5 at the same time, I will pay you to submit information about runs at your resort. If you interested do the following
1. Download my app http://bit.ly/1VzU0cn
2. Sign up for an account
3. Find your resort, and navigate to the runs page
4. Click on a run, scroll down to the bottom and click the prompt to add information
5. Do this 20 times -- this will take you like 5 minutes
6. PM your PowHunter Username, and your paypal email
7. get your money
Anyone who does this is really helping me out, and I appreciate if you guys could help me with this one
Just so I don't go broke, I'm gonna pay the first 40 people who do this, but if you want send in more information I'll owe you one for life
Download my app and tell me some stuff about runs at your home mountain and I'll give you $5
Also please remember this is our first released version. There are definitely some issues that exist. If you find any big ones, or if you want to request features, request new resorts for us to add, or overall just have any comments, feel free to PM me or email us at powhunterapp@gmail.com.