Replying to Family Day 2016 (Anti-Gay Protest)
Alright, so like a week ago in Rome, Italy, we had what politicians called Family Day 2016. Basically, it's purpose was to get as many conservatives as possible in the Circus Maximus to protest gay marriage, the right for gay couples to adopt children and what we call "stepchild adoption"(I, heterosexual, get married and have a child. I then discover myself as gay, divorce my wife and, after getting custody of my child, I marry another man. Should the kid be my partner's child as well?)
Now you guys have to understand the underlining Italian culture that is still very deeply present in today's society. With this "new" papacy led by Pope Francis who is a lot more chill and is letting a lot more things slide, many people are going back to what they think the "real papacy" is and should be. This obviously leads them to being a lot less willing to accept homosexuals and their life choices. Plus, the politicians who are there perpetuate biblical ideals but they've been divorced, have had children without being married and have been found in different scandals with prostitutes.
Some of the arguments used to go against gay people adopting children are following;
"Most children raised by gay couples have social issues. And this is science, not something made up" (some guy that i interviewed there)
"Gay children almost always suffer sexual abuse when in their young age, and will most likely continue said behaviour when they grow up. They will become pedophiles."(some other guy)
"The kids of gay parents will be made fun of in school"(some 19 year old)
What shocked me the most of this whole protest was the amount of children that were present, most likely pulled there by their parents. One of the problems we need to tackle here in Italy and everywhere in the world is this indoctrination of the younger generations. How can we expect gay children not to be made fun of in school when we pull our kids to protests and sermons where homosexuality is condemned in such a harsh way. This gets hardwired in their brain and it takes a lot of time to convince people otherwise if this is how they had been grown up to think.
I consider myself a liberalist so i'm completely in favor of giving gays rights to marry and adopt children, as i think a two mom or two dad family is much better than no family or having only one parent.
Considering most of people on NS are in the US, and like 6 months ago the whole gay marriage thing passed, i'd love to hear what you guys think.
Also sorry for the long post but i had to say i how felt somewhere, and my FB friends are too conservatives.
Picture of a banner there reading "Wrong is wrong" with a picture of two men and two women.
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