Hola hola !
I kind of feel that I'm a bad skiier, that only men can actually be good at skiing (well park skiing). I would like to try bigger tricks this winter like mistys and backflips ... but never seen a girl land (or even try) those where I ride. Actually there is only few girls that I have seen riding the park "for real" (I mean doing the features and not only follow some boys !). And that is very funny cause when I do my best tricks usually people are very confused cause they weren't expecting that from a girl ! and then they try to be nice and say things like "you are really good, for a girl" .... but I never know if I'm suppose to take that as a compliment !
Are you girls feel the same ? Does some of you are very good skiers ? What are your best tricks ? (I would really enjoy videos if you have some, whatever your level is).