HP123if someone votes for bernie sanders it means they're living in fairy tale land. /thread
Interesting... so if I live in a country that already has many of Bernie's proposals in full effect, then I live in fairy tale land? Austria has had in place for years free university and universal healthcare and it has not caused their society to become lazy or ill motivated, rather the opposite. Also, having used their healthcare system for exams, injury treatment/prevention, and minor surgery I can say that it is far better than what I received back in the States given the health insurance I could afford. Real life, not fantasy.
HP123there's a difference between paying taxes for a police force or fire department (necessary for a community) and paying taxes for "free college for everyone" "free healthcare for everyone" not even close to necessary. ----> wrong path for this country
ok mr. socialist do you know how socialism works? it works if everyone works together and plays their part. have you ever had to work on a group project at school? did everyone in your group put forth effort ? didn't think so.
if everyone can't be rich, then we shall be equally poor as a country right? just work for the government and let them take care of us? do you derpfucks even know about the our history? the revolution? how this country was created? how we demanded freedom from the British government?
it's funny how in a country already filled with entitlement, we demand more. you lib fucks should be ashamed
Right now, the USA ranks 15th in personal freedom, 11th in entrepreneurship, and 11th in economy, and 11th overall in the Legatum Prosperity Index. While we are for sure in a good spot, we are hardly the beacon of freedom you claim us to be and democratic socialism is hardly the pitfall you think it is, since
ALL of the countries that rank higher than us are versions of democratic socialism. Real examples that show your rhetoric is empty and not based on sufficient evidence.
I don't think you know how socialism works and how it is different from democratic socialism. No one is talking about not having rich people and not having poor people. Its about creating a better balance between the rich & poor, instead of the top 400 people earning more than the bottom 150 million.
EVERY major economist thinks that the current disparity in our distribution of wealth is a bad direction to continue down (they just differ on how to solve it). And don't worry- as EVERY other democratic socialist countries proves, you'll still be able to become rich in democratic socialism. You'll still be able to start any business you want. There will just be more government programs in place to ensure that the common good has more potential to flourish. It's not about giving simple handouts, it's about investing in your country's well being. It's about giving citizens more education and the ability to stay healthy- two things that every country will be better off with.
Democratic socialism is not about giving everyone an equal share or forcing people to work in groups. It is a democratic system that simply uses tax payer money to fund more programs to promote the flourishing of the common good. All of your personal freedoms would still be in place and arguably you would
gain personal freedoms. All of your current economic opportunities would still be in place and you would arguably
gain economic opportunities. I think you need to do a bit more research on the subject.