The real issue that youre all ignoring is that halo was never supposed to be on live TV. It was streamed on twitch, youtube and ESPN3(online). No one who cared about the halo turny was watching ESPN live, it was a massive mistake for them to put it on the air; the people watching ESPN wanted to see skiing.
Stop acting like the halo community fucked you over so badly, no one asked for this and no one expected this. Every single aspect of this years xgames was garbage. Timing, replays, jump maintenance (yay triples.. and oh, straight big airs..) etc.
You know what you guys should be pissed about? The fact that skiers arent voicing their opinions. Maybe if we promoted our industry as hardcore as the gaming community has, we would reap the benefits. The Xgames dont give a shit about you or me, they care about our $$$. This isnt the olympics or a charity, the xgames are massive industry at this point. If you want to actually see change then you need to boycott or speak with your wallet.
Its seriously petty and embarrassing seeing you all bitch on here, on Facebook, in opinion articles etc. No ones paying attention that your feelings got hurt.
The halo turny had amazing numbers and im stoked to see it coming back. Id rather them host halo then some weebo shit like LOL or Dota #weback
Do I think halo should have been in winterX? No. But in the same hand, I dont think things like snowmobile jumping should be there. But I dont bitch about that because I know some people like it, I just dont watch it. In that same sense I can see why you are all mad, because skiing got cut off by something you didnt want to watch. But that brings me to the start- gamers didnt know or want it on there either. Be pissed at the xgames, not "esports"
The entire halo community is ecstatic with how well everything went with the xgames and only had positive criticism. Instead of bitching like the entitled 12 year old skiers that you are, be constructive, like the obnoxious halo 12 year olds.
Gamers didnt want this
Skiers didnt want this
Dont blame the gaming community because of the choices that xgames made. None of you would care that halo was in the xgames had it stayed online like what they originally said.
I want to apologize to everyone here on behalf of the halo community. We didnt want this or even know it was happening. We were happy with our online stream. We dont know why they chose to air old highlights a day late. Please dont blame and punish us for a programing mistake. I hate coming on here and seeing everyone freaking out. We both can have our cakes and eat them too; even if one is a pie and not technically a sport.