In case you ladies missed it.
It is the snowboarding world after all.
Desiree Melacon is basically a no-fucks-given type of lady in the best of ways. She throws down with the guys every day, gives herself some gnarly injuries, and is genuinely passionate about what she does in snowboarding.
She's currently traveling the country visiting every resort in the US to bring awareness and thanks to all the little guys, the mini shred spots, and the local shops that are the backbone of the ski/snowboard industry, but easily fall to the wayside and are dying off. And she's going to write a book about. bad ass.
Needless to say her speech at last night's best female film part for 2015 gives a no-fucks-given awe and an all ladies support style that I totally dig.
Is it cool to write about snowboarding on a ski website? prolly not.