Replying to Interactive Location Selection !
I know personally I get hyped when I find a video or edit that was shot at my home mountain, it's cool to see what other tricks people can do to certain features and sometimes I can even contact the guys in the video and ski with them sometime. MY IDEA is that in the section where you can select the location before publishing a video a list comes up instead of a text box. The list would effectively be a huge database of all the mountains people ski at on NS. Then in the search bar, people can search for a certain mountain and all the videos shot there would appear ( in order of highest to lowest rated of course). There are many benefits to this; not only does it serve the purposes I stated in the first couple sentences of this thread but people would also be able to see what kind of skiing/ what the parks were like at each mountain as well as how the hill was looking and reviewed. I think it would be a cool edition to NS. Please respond with questions and Ideas.
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