Replying to XGames 2016 Predictions
Its that time of year again! Interested to hear your predictions for this years X Games.
Big Air athletes include:
Elias Ambuhl
Fabian Bosch
Bobby Brown
Vincent Gagnier
Henrik Harlaut
Kai Mahler
Luca Schuler
Jossi Wells
Ski Slope:
Alex Bellemare
Oystein Braaten
Bobby Brown
Joss Christensen
Nick Goepper
Henrik Harlaut
Gus Kenworthy
Evan McEachran
Jossi Wells
McRae Williams
James Woods
Aaron Blunck
Lyman Currier
Alex Ferreira
Gus Kenworthy
Mike Riddle
Kevin Rolland
Taylor Seaton
Ben Valentin
Byron Wells
David Wise
Torin Yater-Wallace
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