T-Lan_DistrictSo your're telling me getting paid to ski everyday doesn't attract you? hahaha. The first part is getting good/ really good. Then marketing yourself is just competing at local comps, getting other kids stoked on skiing at the mountain and then filming edits. Even though this is work it is still extremely enjoyable. Unless you'd rather listen to some dumbass liberal tell you a whole load of bullshit for 45 minutes to over an hour everyday.
Honestly it sounds like you are describing a different level of pro here, and not anywhere near the level where you are going to be getting "paid to ski every day". The workload that is dumped on these top pros is ridiculous and I feel like they don't get enough respect for that alone. Just being good at skiing is not going to get you anywhere near the level of the top pros, its just one aspect of it. If you want to make it to the top you have to form lots of connections, network and put in lots of hard work IN ADDITION to training every day, skiing everyday, and not fucking yourself up so that you can't ski.
What I'm trying to say here is you have to want to be pro for the right reasons. If you are doing it just to "get paid to ski every day" there are a million ways to do that, look at guides, ski patrol, people who study snow, ski builders. They all lead to doing A LOT of skiing, and so does being a pro. If your goal in life is to ski as much as you can every day you have to figure out which way is the right way for you. If you are in it for the money you should look somewhere else because you honestly have higher chances of hitting the lottery.
And also, of course I would love to get paid to ski everyday :D