I have 61 questions I need to ask about the world today.
1. what is wrong with our country?
2. why do people like Bush?
3. why did Bush initially offer only $6 million to tsunami aid?
4. why are we spending all our money on things that destroy people and not any on things that save people?
5. why do Americans think they are entitled to every thing?
6. why do some people get 4 pairs of skis for x-mas when the money from just one could help thousands?
7. why are we fighting a war against Osama in Iraq?
8. why do we kill innocent people then air drop there surviving family members food?
9. why is this 1 year war still being fought 4 years later?
10. how did the war on terror become the war on innocent Iraqis?
11. why do people think our country is heading in the right direction?
12. why did our most powerful leader cheat his country to get into office?
13. why is Bush so ignorant?
14. why did people think Bush won the debates or even looked like he was living on the same planet?
15. Why are Americans so self centered?
16. what happened to the American dream?
17. why did the world look at us as an icon until the day Bush was inaugurated?
18. when will people give a shit?
19. who truly is running our country?
20. why were iragi oil wells secured before ammo depots?
21. why does no one care about our planet?
22. why are Americans so niave?
23. how many deaths will it take for us to realize war is pointless?>
24. when will Bush be assassinated?
25. what happened to civil rights?
26. what happened to power to the people?
27. why do religious people support activities that violate the ten commandments?
28. why do people KILL in the name of god?
29. why do people believe in the bible?
30. Do Christians really believe the world flooded and some dude got two of EVERY animal in the world onto a boat he built?
31. do Christians really believe one male and one female could create a genetic line without any mutation occurring?
32. Why do people trust in the bible and not science when the bible has never proved science wrong but science proves the bible wrong frequently?
33. When will I get to question number 61?
34. why is god on the both the Palestinian side and the Israeli side?
35. Why is god so great and wonderful if he sends people to hell?
36. Why is it that no one will read every question?
37. When will people “try to see, even if nothing is in sight�?
38. why are all our countries visionaries killed or run out of office?
39. Why are white people such assholes compared to other races? (I’m white by the way)
40. why don’t people make a change in the world?
41. why do people not want to make changes in the world?
42. when will the world unite as one and stop fighting?
43. Why do people kill each other?
44. why do americans have no empathy?
45. why is America obese when 20% of the world doesn’t have enough to eat?
46. why is America and her allies allowed to have nuclear weapons but no one else?
47. when will the world stop hateing America?
48. who brainwashed 51% of our country?
49. How was Bush re-eleceted after all the shit he did to us?
50. since every American could donated a dollar a day to charity and ended world hunger why don’t we?
51. When will the weather channel get the forecast right?
52. Who is still reading?
53. why do we call ourselves the most evolved species when we kill our own kind?
54. Why was wwI the war to end all wars but today we still fight?
55. why do American kids see school as a pain and not a privilege?
56. why are Americans given the best opportunities in every way and why do most of us never take advantage of this?
57. Why does no one care?
58. Why is “the daily show with jon stewart� the least bias news?
59. why do americans not think for themselves?
60. why is oil more important then lives?
61. when will whistler get snow?
sometimes I can, like, read peoples minds... its like I have Espn or something...
'Am I fighting to live or am I living to fight, what am I trying to see if there aint nothin in sight? why am I trying to give, if no one gives me a try? why am I dying to live if I'm just living to die? - Tupac Shakur
...Germans dicovered this city in 1804. They named it san diago... which in german, means giant whale vagina... -Ron burgundy