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LonelyUK as a whole is trying to ban him on grounds of hate speech. Needed 100,000 signatures to bring it up for debate. Got 570,000.
Nobody should be banned for hate speech. The issue should be looked into and of further threat is present it should be dealt with. But we have freedom of speech meaning you can say whatever you want and nobody can tell you otherwise.
I've met a lot of people in life and I have found it best to form opinions about them by actually meeting them in person. In 2009 I agreed to do that tv show Celebrity Apprentice on NBC. This meant I had to move to NYC for 6 weeks and spend every day with Donald Trump, Ivanka Trump, and Don Jr. I really had no expectations. I think I was actually the only "Celebrity" that had a semi normal manual labor job. I think this gave me a very different perspective on things. I actually think Donald Trump had no idea who I was or what I actually did for a living. Over the next month I was able to observe him and his kids in their day to day routine. What I saw was a person that treated everyone with respect. Even the (Hispanic) guys in the mail room. He had coffee from the coffee machine and BS'd with them every single morning. Trash men and cops would stop him on the street and he would stop whatever he was doing and spend a little bit of time with every one of them. As the month went on I used my hard work and perseverance to gain respect of the Trumps and most everyone around me.
I made it all the way to the top 3 and when I was let go Donald Trump stood up and shook my hand and said " Great Job Jesse".
Now I know that a lot of you will think that is some dumb reality TV show, not real life...and especially Not the presidency. Trust me I know that is very true, but the majority of the Anti-Trumps are basing their opinion of him on sound bites from that very same Reality TV Show. I think you should look above what the TV Network put out there to boost ratings. Nobody wants to watch somebody be a nice guy, they want to see him say "Your FIRED!". What I personally observed is a man that is perfect suited to run this country. He is respectful to the little guy (which shows he worked hard to get where he is) and he is also tough as nails when he needs to be. The people he will appoint to key top positions will be top shelf, and you can bank if they don't perform? They will get the boot. Lastly the best quality I observed about Donald Trump is being a dad. This is by far his strongest quality. Ivanka is an super smart, driven woman. The shakes your hand firm and looks you in the eye when she talks to you. Donald Jr. Also has the same smarts and drive, but is also a pretty regular guy that has a "almost" restored 69' Camaro and loves to long range shoot ( don't let anyone know I told you that). The poise in these two shows a lot in their parents. I think we are lucky to have his kids as part of the deal.
So before you guys react to what I have written here. One thing you know about me is Good or bad I will always tell it like it is. This guy is the Real Deal, and will Make America Great Again.
Thanks for reading.
Quoted from a Facebook post made by Jesse James, West Coast Choppers
spaceghostpurpNobody should be banned for hate speech. The issue should be looked into and of further threat is present it should be dealt with. But we have freedom of speech meaning you can say whatever you want and nobody can tell you otherwise.
I guess you can take that up with the 570,000 petition signers
If you want to hear one of the best arguments in favor of free speech, check out this debate with Christopher Hitchens. Very eye opening discussion about free speech in regards to hate speech, blasphemy, etc.
England and France have a lot more serious problems with their radicalized and isolated Muslim communities than we do in the US, so their, "line" as to what is considered incitement is different than ours. They are probly worried that if he flew to London on a campaign trip (which is normal remember Romney did it) that everyone would go apeshit and people would die.
CaseyEngland and France have a lot more serious problems with their radicalized and isolated Muslim communities than we do in the US, so their, "line" as to what is considered incitement is different than ours. They are probly worried that if he flew to London on a campaign trip (which is normal remember Romney did it) that everyone would go apeshit and people would die.
But I thought Islam was the "religion of peace"?
Perhaps England should worry more about how to deal directly with its Islamic sharia problem, rather than worry about banning people for practicing free speech.
CampeadorBut I thought Islam was the "religion of peace"?
Perhaps England should worry more about how to deal directly with its Islamic sharia problem, rather than worry about banning people for practicing free speech.
Yeah perhaps, but like I was saying it may or may not be the best strategy to openly provoke a terrorist attack if you don't have to.
CampeadorBut I thought Islam was the "religion of peace"?
Perhaps England should worry more about how to deal directly with its Islamic sharia problem, rather than worry about banning people for practicing free speech.
But there are a lot of hyper liberal rich people there who pretend that problem doesn't exist because they don't live near radicalized muslims. The type who want to bring blankets to the pricks in Calais.
If Trump ran for Prime MInister he would won handily I don' think there is anywhere in Europe he wouldn't win election b/c the problem is so bad and only looks to get worse.
CaseyYeah perhaps, but like I was saying it may or may not be the best strategy to openly provoke a terrorist attack if you don't have to.
Why not? Bring the scum out into the light where they can have targets painted on them.
Think about how many people Pamela Geller potentially saved with her "Draw Muhammad" event. Those two jihadists that were shot trying to attack her event had been planning to carry out a terrorist attack at a US mall.
They also came out of a radical terror mosque in Phoenix, but let's ignore that part.
If something like Trump visiting a country disrupts "societal harmony" then there was none to begin with.
Anyone celebrating the restriction of free speech is an idiot, especially in cases where that speech has a great deal of uncomfortable truth to it.
Frankly, the U.S. has ZERO need to import any more Islam, we have our hands full as it is. Should this always be the case? Perhaps not, but we need an especially stringent approach to importing members of the religion of peace.
The UK "has no idea what the hell is going on", and their immigration policy is an absolute disgrace. If not for the English Channel, they'd have been overrun a long time ago. If you don't believe me, look at the highly desirable people at the Calais migrant camps.
PeppermillRenoIf Trump ran for Prime MInister he would won handily I don' think there is anywhere in Europe he wouldn't win election b/c the problem is so bad and only looks to get worse.
Ha, good one. Trump is the laughing stock of the political world at the moment. That you think the citizens in European countries would elect Trump to run their country is so far removed from reality it shows you have a very tenuous grasp on European politics. Every European country has a "right wing" in its political spectrum and yet they are all far more liberal than Trump. While they are fervent nationalists opposed to the immigration crisis, they flat out detest all of Trump's other policies.
Pole-LessTrump would be a president that would get stuff done. He's a doer not a talker.
Just to remind you, the American government is not an absolute monarchy where the President can just nod his head and enact into legislation whatever law he wishes. Please refer to this image that shows the reality of how the American government actually functions:
The POTUS does not have a direct line to writing the law. Our government is one of the least efficient in terms of getting something done, but it does have certain benefits including not giving all the power to one part of the government. Whether or not Trump (or any president) is a "doer" has little effect on what can actually get done. He needs to be able to get different parts of the government to cooperate and work together. In this regard he will fail miserably and as such will not get things done. Cooperation, understanding, compromise, synergy, reciprocation, etc. are not exactly the hallmarks of his campaign.
onenerdykidHa, good one. Trump is the laughing stock of the political world at the moment. That you think the citizens in European countries would elect Trump to run their country is so far removed from reality it shows you have a very tenuous grasp on European politics. Every European country has a "right wing" in its political spectrum and yet they are all far more liberal than Trump. While they are fervent nationalists opposed to the immigration crisis, they flat out detest all of Trump's other policies.
I would like to know in all honesty, which policies exactly? Besides maybe no government-paid health care.
His most controversial policies are his stance on Muslim immigration, and his desire to deport illegal immigrants and build a wall to keep them out.
Sounds almost exactly like what the Eastern Bloc countries are doing, or plan to do.
In all likelihood, Trump's deportation efforts would center around criminals and recent arrivals, and the wall is an excellent deterrent for keeping them out. The border as it stands right now is a joke, and you would be disgusted to see the amount of methamphetamine and heroine that is pouring across the border. Only after this is accomplished will it be appropriate to discuss the status of law-abiding illegal immigrants. But I'm sure I'll be called a racist by white boys from New England, even though I've lived in Mexico and some of the people closest to me are from there.
You either have a country, or you don't, Germany has chosen the latter, I want the former for the USA.
onenerdykidJust to remind you, the American government is not an absolute monarchy where the President can just nod his head and enact into legislation whatever law he wishes. Please refer to this image that shows the reality of how the American government actually functions:
CampeadorI would like to know in all honesty, which policies exactly? Besides maybe no government-paid health care.
His most controversial policies are his stance on Muslim immigration, and his desire to deport illegal immigrants and build a wall to keep them out.
Sounds almost exactly like what the Eastern Bloc countries are doing, or plan to do.
In all likelihood, Trump's deportation efforts would center around criminals and recent arrivals, and the wall is an excellent deterrent for keeping them out. The border as it stands right now is a joke, and you would be disgusted to see the amount of methamphetamine and heroine that is pouring across the border. Only after this is accomplished will it be appropriate to discuss the status of law-abiding illegal immigrants. But I'm sure I'll be called a racist by white boys from New England, even though I've lived in Mexico and some of the people closest to me are from there.
You either have a country, or you don't, Germany has chosen the latter, I want the former for the USA.
mirozDid you buy it from his campaign? I want one, but I don't want to support him...
I'm selling some ironic trump hats and donating the proceeds to a polar opposite campaign.. discount code 'NS' to get the price to $20 shipped.
onenerdykidJust to remind you, the American government is not an absolute monarchy where the President can just nod his head and enact into legislation whatever law he wishes. Please refer to this image that shows the reality of how the American government actually functions:
The POTUS does not have a direct line to writing the law. Our government is one of the least efficient in terms of getting something done, but it does have certain benefits including not giving all the power to one part of the government. Whether or not Trump (or any president) is a "doer" has little effect on what can actually get done. He needs to be able to get different parts of the government to cooperate and work together. In this regard he will fail miserably and as such will not get things done. Cooperation, understanding, compromise, synergy, reciprocation, etc. are not exactly the hallmarks of his campaign.
unless your Obama.. then you pass everything via executive action
californiagrownI guess you don't realize that Obama has issued less executive orders than any other 2 term president.
But why let facts get in the way of your opinions, right?
You argue the most intellectually dishonest points. It's not the amount of executive orders that matters, it's whats in them, and when they're used to create laws, a la BHO.
Again, you aren't too bright if you think that the number of executive orders is somehow more relevant than the content of those executive orders.
Do you get your talking points from Media Matters by chance?
So say the "conservatives" that backed real winners like McCain and Romney, and put into power losers like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan. You'll find that I don't care at all about the issues that conservatives waste time on (like abortion and gay marriage).
I don't give a shit at all about "conservatism", I want action on out of control immigration (both legal and illegal), and action on the global threat of Islam (which starts with addressing it here).
Trump, in his own crude way, speaks to both those issues. And he's the only candidate doing so against the will of the corrupt political class.
CampeadorYou argue the most intellectually dishonest points. It's not the amount of executive orders that matters, it's whats in them, and when they're used to create laws, a la BHO.
Again, you aren't too bright if you think that the number of executive orders is somehow more relevant than the content of those executive orders.
Do you get your talking points from Media Matters by chance?
I was responding in a factual way to someone who incorrectly cited a statistic, lol. But again, why let facts get in the way, right?
CampeadorSo say the "conservatives" that backed real winners like McCain and Romney, and put into power losers like Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan. You'll find that I don't care at all about the issues that conservatives waste time on (like abortion and gay marriage).
I don't give a shit at all about "conservatism", I want action on out of control immigration (both legal and illegal), and action on the global threat of Islam (which starts with addressing it here).
Trump, in his own crude way, speaks to both those issues. And he's the only candidate doing so against the will of the corrupt political class.
If all you got out of the article was that Trump isn't a true conservative, you're reading with a bias. That article explains why he's a bad candidate for reasons other than " he's a bad conservative".
Your bias is painting the way you perceive the world around you man.
I have more liberal views than most but dude, you're a moron. The definition of an executive action has changed in recent times. Really, spend 5 minutes to look it up.