So yesterday me and my friend went to a hill and built a little kicker in hopes of learing back flips. I hit it a few times and decided to huck one. I got 3/4 of the way and fell right on my head and knees almost like the doggy style position from 5 feet in the air. My neck got twisted pretty bad and my knee hurts super bad. I waited a bit and knew i had to go for it again otherwise i woud be scared and never want to try them again. So i walk up and ski down and pussy about 3 times. after that i decided to stop being a pussy and went for it again. This time i got it under me but didnt ski away. same thing happened fopr the next 3 tries. After that i went home. I knew it was gonna hurt in the morning and boy was i right. I have some crazy neck pain when i tilt it backwards and my traps are inflamed and seem to be guarding my neck. If it dosent get better im gonna have to go to a chiropractor. But i am stuck with a bad knee. I can walk o it and put weight on it but when i step and bring my heel up towards my but i feel lots of pain in between my knee cap and skin and surrounding muscles. Im 99 percent positive that nothing is torn and its all just major bruising and fluid build up. I was thinking of going to the ymca tomorrow morning and doing somerunning/ walking exercises to loosen up my knee and try to push fluid out of it. Every time i have gotten a sprain or injury I have tried to put weight on it and keep it moving (with in reason)
if it hurts to bad ill stop but i still want to prevent as much scar tissue as possible. is this a good idea? and also are there any neck exercises i can do for a sprained neck? Anyone else ever have anything related to this? any info would be great!