Greetings all! I have had these sitting in my house for the past year and think that is a waste of a great ski. They are unmounted, unused, 10/10 condition would bang again. highly fuckable skis. super dank and erotic.
link to a review of these dank shred sticks by Kieran Mcveigh. i once saw him skiing on hood it was epicly dank and delicious like garlic butter. i can guarantee with 100 percent certainty you, future owner, could be just as fluid like a waterfall of pureed avocados if you purchased these skis!
the dankest of top sheets
the most erotic, unmounted virgin center
some icey as the freezer bases
i can do paypal and ship to anywhere in the united states
asking for 400$ dollar bills for these obo!
pm me with any questions